Friday, December 04, 2015

Project Has Provided Free Framed Art to Families of the Fallen, Seeks Further Funding

USAKIA is fiscal sponsor of a venture benefitting kin of those who died resulting from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Artist Rick Kelley's project honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Dec. 4, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA) has established a fiscal-sponsorship relationship with a venture directed by an artist based in Florida named Rick Kelley.  The project is called the KIA Families Art Project (KIAFAP), and Rick is already nationally renowned.  His pieces in this special collection honor the sacrifices and efforts given by fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines, and they honor their families.
Master Artist Rick Kelley's Freedom Series was originally inspired by the events of September 11, 2001, and his intent with the series is to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice and their families.  Mr. Kelley states, "I feel compelled to offer this gift from myself and my family with the help of generous private donors to memorialize the loss of our heroes."

On Freedom's Wing by Rick Kelley
Homecoming by Rick Kelley

Already the project has provided over 200 families a framed print from the already popular Freedom Series.  The pieces the next-of-kin have to choose among from the series are On Freedom's Wing, The Homecoming, Reflections of Freedom, Liberty's Flight, The Patriot, or Coming Home.  Rick and USAKIA have received dozens of heartfelt thank-you cards from Gold Star Families for the pieces provided so far by the project.

The USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA), based in Mountain View, California, is an IRS-approved, tax-deductible and tax-exempt nonprofit.  KIA families incorporated the 501(c)(3) organization in the fall of 2003 to benefit kin of those killed in action (KIA) and died of wounds (DOW) while serving in the U.S. armed forces.   Those KIA died on the battlefield as a result of combat, and those who DOW died of their wounds received in action after reaching a medical treatment facility (also DWRIA).

USAKIA has also setup a special GoFundMe page for the KIAFAP.  Visit to donate to Rick's Families of the Fallen project directly, or visit to donate to USAKIA.  For more information visit and click on the Newsroom link or call Kelley Fine Art Publishing at 1-800-949-4945.  All donations are completely tax deductible.



Vincent Bartning or Dennis Malloy
USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (
Phone: (408) 954-8280
E-mail: or