Sunday, December 31, 2006

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Reach 3,000, December Deadliest Month of 2006

UPDATED 1-2-07

Dear Your Shield:

Both the Associated Press and reputable Web site,, claim U.S. deaths in Iraq have hit the 3,000 mark. December has also become the deadliest month in Iraq of 2006 for the U.S., with at least 111 American military deaths. This makes October the second-deadliest month of 2006, with 106 U.S. deaths.

The Pentagon has confirmed deaths reached the "sobering milestone" of 3,000 later in the day according to an added AP video. However, AP also stated in an article, "The White House said the president mourned each death but would not issue a statement about the 3,000th."

Links Open New Window

Reuters - "US military deaths in Iraq reach 3,000"

AP via Yahoo! News - "U.S. toll in Iraq hits 3,000 as '06 ends"

AP via Yahoo! News - "U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 3,000"

VIDEO - AP via Yahoo! News - "U.S. Deaths in Iraq Reach 3,000 Milestone"

Monday, December 25, 2006

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Alone Passed 9-11 Today

Dear Your Shield:

Christmas 2006 also has a grim milestone: U.S. military deaths in Iraq passed the number killed on 9-11 today. Back on September 3, 2006, total deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan passed those killed on September 11th, but the figure also included military contractors. The figure of military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan passed 9-11-01 deaths 20-days later, on September 23. With 2 soldiers KIA today, military deaths in Iraq alone now also passed total casualties on 9-11, excluding the 19 terrorists who also died.

December also appears to have the second-highest-casualty total of the year, passing April's 76, which it tied on December 22. October, with 105 killed, remains the deadliest month of 2006 for the U.S. military.

See AP Article on Yahoo at:

"U.S. deaths in Iraq exceed 9-11 count"

or AP Article on ABC at:

Related Blog Entries:

September 23, 2006, U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan Equal 9-11-01.

September 3, 2006, U.S. Military and Civilian Contractor Deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan Equal 9-11.

Friday, December 22, 2006

5 soldiers killed by Iraqi insurgents

See Entire Article at:

December 22, 2006

AP Via Yahoo! News

By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 32 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Insurgent attacks killed five more American troops west of the Iraqi capital, the military said Friday, making December the second deadliest month for U.S. servicemen in 2006.

So far this month, 76 American troops have died in Iraq, the same number that were killed in all of April. With nine days remaining in December, the monthly total of U.S. deaths could meet or exceed the death toll of 105 in October...

See Entire Article at:

Thursday, December 21, 2006 : Nearly one thousand gather to pay respects to Iraq soldier

USAKIA ( has sent you an item from

Private First Class Ross McGinnis was KIA saving the lives of four other soldiers. The Army posthumously awarded his Silver Star to his parents in a memorial service in Pennsylvania.

Nearly one thousand gather to pay respects to Iraq soldier

Find more items like this at
Copyright 2006 WFMJ

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Many sacrificed, but who deserves?

See Entire Article (Including Pictures) at:

Lowell Sun

Many sacrificed, but who deserves?
Article Last Updated:12/17/2006 06:33:19 AM EST

When Marine Cpl. Paul "Nick" King was tragically killed in Iraq this year, the wheels were set in motion for a square to be dedicated to the decorated soldier in his hometown of Tyngsboro.

Unlike some towns where squares are indiscriminately dedicated to veterans, Tyngsboro reserves its squares for soldiers who died in combat. It prevents the town from having to set up complicated criteria to determine who is deserving and who isn't, said Veterans Agent Kevin O'Connor...

See Entire Article (Including Pictures) at:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

From Albuquerque Tribune: 11 U.S. troops dead in one day

USAKIA sent you this:

11 U.S. troops dead in one day

USAKIA attached this additional message:

11 U.S. troops killed on Wednesday, December 6. The last day with such a high casualty rate was October 17. U.S. military high command's thoughts with families according to reports.

Albuquerque Tribune

Pearl Harbor victims honored with moment of silence, wreath laying in Hawaii -

See Entire Article - Opens in New Window (Includes Pics, Video):

With wreaths and a moment of silence, Pearl Harbor Association members and survivors honor victims of December 7, 1941, attack 65 years ago today. In their 80s and 90s, they say it will be the last time.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

USA Today

Pearl Harbor victims honored with moment of silence, wreath laying in Hawaii

Updated 12/7/2006 10:32 PM ET

From staff and wire reports

Nearly 500 survivors of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor — many in wheelchairs and walkers — gathered Thursday to lay wreaths and remember the men and women killed on Dec. 7, 1941.

For some of the survivors, now in their 80s or older, it will be their last visit to the site of the attack that prompted America to enter World War II.

In a ceremony in which former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw gave the keynote address, survivors bowed their heads at 7:55 a.m. to reflect on the moment Japanese bombs began to drop.

"America in an instant became the land of the indivisible," said Brokaw, author of the book The Greatest Generation...

See Entire Article - Opens in New Window (Includes Pics, Video):

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

2006 Benefits Some Gold Star Families in a Small Way

Two Gold Star Families, Congressman's Rep, and Benefactor

L-R, Joe Wiscowiche, Father of William Wiscowiche, KIA in Iraq, Alec Arago for Congressman Sam Farr's Office, Jim Gilbertson, Owner of J&S Surplus & Outdoor Store, Pat Wiscowiche, Gold Star Mother of William Wiscowiche, Vincent Bartning, Grandson of John Wallace Rich, KIA in WWII, Cousin of Louis Bartning, KIA in Korea, Gold Star Families with USAKIA. Certificates presented by nonprofit at Labor Day Weekend 2006 event.

See USAKIA's press release for more at

A nonprofit for families of killed in action (KIA) and died of wounds (DOW) looks back on its 2006 accomplishments.

San Jose, CA (PRWEB) December 6, 2006 -- A nonprofit for families of killed in action (KIA) and died of wounds (DOW) looks back on its 2006 accomplishments.

The USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA) announced its 2006, second annual Labor Day Weekend event at J&S Surplus & Outdoor Store in Moss Landing went better than the first one in 2005. It also had its first Memorial Day Weekend event in 2006. Other work includes a "Free-Flag Program" where the nonprofit gives KIA flags to families of U.S. combat dead.

The USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA) held its second annual event in Moss Landing on September 2, 2006. The memorial paid tribute to all U.S. killed in action (KIA) and died of wounds (DOW), with many more participants this year than last year. This year, the event also honored U.S. citizens killed in acts of terror and public safety personnel, as well as military personnel who died in the line of duty.

Rolling Thunder participated again this year, and 2006's event also included a military-vehicle show put on by Military Vehicle Collectors of California (MVCC) and a swap meet. Congressman Farr's office and the California National Guard participated for the first time this year as well, and about 250 people were there for the midday ceremony, a higher number than in 2005.

The nonprofit held its first Memorial Day Weekend event at J&S Surplus & Outdoor Store in Moss Landing in 2006. It plans both events next year as well. The store kindly donates the land for the event, as well as many of the raffle prizes the nonprofit offers.

Other work the nonprofit currently does includes a "Free-Flag Program" where a KIA or DOW family can request a 3-by-5 foot KIA flag, and USAKIA ships it to them for free. So far, it has given away about 30 flags and other items to fellow KIA families to honor the fallen. USAKIA also sells the items in its eBay store. Currently, the nonprofit wants to evaluate a free tutoring program for children of combat dead in California.

USAKIA has attended funerals of KIA and DOW in northern California to provide support. It has also presented its flag to various groups, including local chapters of the Sons of the American Legion and the Sons of the American Revolution. The nonprofit has also shored up its board of directors in 2006, adding relatives of active-duty military and KIA or DOW in Iraq.

About the USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation:
The USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA), based in San Jose, California, is an IRS-approved, tax-deductible and tax-exempt nonprofit. KIA families incorporated the 501(c)(3) _organization in the fall of 2003 to benefit families of those killed in action and died of wounds while in the U.S. armed forces. Current services include memorials, membership, and it had planned a new California Medal of Honor Project (CAMOHP).

USAKIA also has products honoring U.S. KIA. America Remembers KIA allows USAKIA the use of its trademarked KIA flag and symbol. See the organization's Web site at for further information.

USAKIA opened two blogs in March, _Your Shield_ on Blogger at and _USAKIA's Blog_ on Yahoo at The not-for-profit corporation also just began an eBay blog in late November, _Fallen Heroes' Remembrance_, at .


Contact Information:

Dennis Malloy

See USAKIA's press release for more at