"Free Flags for KIA Families" Program Changes

Dear USAKIA Sites:
We will at least temporarily change our "Free Flags for KIA Families" program, as we currently lack resources to continue with it. We hope to resume the program in the next month. For now we will provide the flags to confirmed KIA and DOW families at well below wholesale cost, as we also receive items donated by America Remembers KIA. $5 will get KIA families a 12" x 18" KIA flag, and $10 will get them a 3' x 5' one. Both prices will include shipping via Priority Mail. From December 2004 till now we provided the 3' x 5' flag and Priority Mail shipping for free and hope to resume the program.
$300 in donations will provide free 3' x 5' flags, including Priority Mail shipping, to at least 25 KIA Gold Star Families. Those who have provided enough information up to now will receive their free flag. Two will go out by tomorrow, one to a family who lost a loved one in Vietnam and another who lost one in Iraq. Please donate today to help USAKIA resume the program.
"I would like a free 3x5 KIA Flag. My brother CPL. Thomas Steven Hickman was KIA in Vietnam on 8/26/1970.... Thank You for all you are doing... Never Forget!" -- Karen Hickman, sister of Steven Hickman, KIA 8/26/1970
Thank you,
Vincent H. Bartning
for the USA KIA/DOW Family Foundation (USAKIA)
P.O. Box 720123, San Jose, CA 95172
(408) 954-8280
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